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Added By Khamil Bailey

Black business advocate

Pittsburgh Community Services Inc. (PCSI) supports all Pittsburgh Entrepreneurs and especially minority, women, veteran and related disadvantaged businesses.

PCSI’s new Center for Urban Excellence in Economic Opportunities (CUE) features a national EdTech and Kaufmann Fundation best practice New You Entrepreneur Micro- business curriculum and 12 week class, links to business mentors, ongoing business planning supports, potential business incubation space and section 3 MWDBE certification and credentialing links, and a micro-loan fund accessible thru a new Pgh Based Shark Tank.

CUE operate in collaboration with Allegheny County Economic Development (ACED) grants, several university small business and entrepreneurial excellence centers and with leveraged PCSI Funding and Board Donations. We to help none-traditional entrepreneurs and those with low incomes in obtaining their business launch dreams. Call 412-904-4812 today for more information on CUE and its activities.

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