$12.00 / month
This plan includes 1 listing
Unlimited availability of listings
- 1 business listing
- Logo, basic description, and location
- Access to Cocoapreneur curated resource guide
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$22.00 / month
This plan includes 2 listings
Unlimited availability of listings
- Up to 2 businesses listed
- Featured status
- Upload 5 pictures per business
- Social links and contact information
- Earn reward points for B2B use of other Cocoapreneurs, redeemable with various Cocoapreneur partners
- Access to Cocoapreneur curated resource guide
- Access to small business certifications, organizational and government contracts and resources
- “The Cocoapreneur Network” - B2B Messaging
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$30.00 / month
This plan includes 3 listings
Unlimited availability of listings
- Up to 3 businesses listed
- Featured status
- Upload 5 pictures per business
- Social links and contact information
- Earn reward points for B2B use of other Cocoapreneurs, redeemable with various Cocoapreneur partners
- Access to Cocoapreneur curated resource guide
- Access to small business certifications, organizational and government contracts and resources
- “The Cocoapreneur Network” - B2B Messaging
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